It’s the end of another year, and the urge to completely overhaul your life with New Year’s resolutions is strong. What’s more inspiring than the idea of a new beginning? If you really want to live your best life in 2024, give yourself some goals that are inspiring but attainable. Don’t put pressure on yourself to change overnight—you don’t need that kind of stress in your life! Set yourself up for success in the new year with these six realistic New Year’s resolutions.

1. Pause and reflect.
Take some time to remember the journey you took this year. Read past journal entries, scroll through your photos, and break out your resolutions from last year. Resist the urge to fixate on the things you didn’t do, and look for signs of growth. Priorities change, and you’re always allowed to update your goals to reflect what’s important to you.

2. Celebrate your wins.
Start the new year off right by appreciating your own efforts. Make a list of things you accomplished in the past year. Give yourself credit for every workout, vacation, new hobby, and work win. Celebrate the places you visited, the books you read, and the quality time you spent with loved ones. Which of these accomplishments mean the most to you? How can you make more time for those activities in the new year?

3. Prioritize your health.
The last few months of the year are often filled with decadent foods, holiday stress, and jam-packed schedules. So, use January to get your health back on track. Make appointments with your primary care provider, dentist, therapist, or anyone else you’ve been meaning to see. (Plus, starting your healthcare early in the year can help you reach your insurance deductible sooner.)

4. Declutter your space.
Since we’re focusing on realistic goals here, pick a small area in your home and commit to decluttering it by the end of January. It can be anything from the junk drawer in your kitchen to your master closet. Get rid of anything you know you won’t use, and organize the rest. Then, after you do a little happy dance, pick a new decluttering project for February!

5. Revisit your budget.
It may not be exciting, but going over your income and expenses is a huge part of caring for your financial future. How did your savings and investments compare with what you’d hoped to achieve this year? Use that information to make realistic financial goals for next year, and create a budget that helps you reach those goals. This monthly budget template from the Federal Trade Commission is a great place to get started. (This is also the perfect time to start gathering any documents you’ll need for tax season.)

6. Donate to charity.
If you have money left over after the holiday craziness, consider donating to your favorite charity. Not only can it give you something else to celebrate, but it may also reduce your taxable income for the year.
Now, it’s your turn!
This year, we’re all about resolutions that you can achieve while you’re still pumped with New Year’s motivation. Take some time to imagine what you want your future to look like (yes, close your eyes and really picture it). Then, think of measurable actions that can help you along that journey.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Try cooking a new kind of cuisine. Get adventurous!
- Host three game nights with your friends or family.
- Schedule lunch with your high school best friend.
- Take one class at a local art studio.
- Go to the gym at least 10 times by March.
- Put an air purifier in your bedroom.
- Go through your camera roll from the past year, pick your favorite photos, and order prints.
Remember, the best resolutions are realistic and specific. If you have a big goal, you should be able to split it into smaller steps you can check off as you go. Success is the best motivation, and setting yourself up for little wins is the perfect way to make next year the best one yet!