by The Molekule Insights Team

You are what you breathe. I know it sounds heady, but it is—studies have shown that air quality can have a serious impact on mental health and well-being. Past research has associated air pollution with higher levels of stress, psychological distress, increased risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and depression.

We get it. It’s hard enough as it is to de-stress without having to also worry about air quality, but there are some simple solutions. Breathing clean air while you meditate is a great start. That's why Molekule Air Purifiers and Happier meditation are working together to provide a better place for you to focus on your breath.

We've put together some easy ways to help you decompress in a healthier way while adding a little air education. Because happy lungs = happy brain. And a happy brain = a better life.

1. Clear the air

According to the EPA, clean air is foundational to our general health and has a measurable effect on cognition. Unfortunately, many man-made processes contribute to poor air quality that can affect our respiratory health, cardiovascular condition, ability to concentrate, and so much more. While we may feel safe in our homes sequestered away from vehicle emissions and other airborne pollutants, the fact is that our homes can be up to 5x more concentrated with harmful pollutants than the outdoors. This is where home air purification can help.

What to look for in an air purifier

The industry-standard for particle capture, HEPA stands for “high efficiency particulate air” and is trusted to capture at least 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns. HEPA is the bare minimum that you should look for in an air purifier to help eliminate large particles from the air you’re breathing.

But let us introduce you to PECO, the technology that upgrades your average HEPA filtration.

Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (or, PECO) is Molekule’s patented technology that uses the power of light to break down harmful organic pollutants into harmless components. PECO can destroy mold spores, pollen, pet dander, and VOCs in your home, leaving you with healthier, cleaner air.

2. Clear your head

The rigors of everyday life are enough to make anyone stressed out. Family, work, fitness, the news—our brains are constantly being pulled in one million directions. Many people believe the answer is to totally disconnect, when in reality, it’s about using our digital tools to carve out personal time to decompress and focus on ourselves. Even for just a moment. 

The Happier App is a new type of meditation app that offers concrete, actionable steps to help you build a clearer mind and happier life. It’s based on common sense and geared for modern day living. Research shows that around 40 per cent of behavior is repeated daily, so when we change our habits, we change our lives. The Happier app provides personalized strategies to help you become happier, healthier, more productive, and more creative—starting today.

[Try Happier for free]

3. Set goals

It can be helpful to connect our mindfulness goals with a higher mission. The Happier App calls these “aims.” Think of them as the necessary context for us to understand the why. They give deeper purpose and provide clarity for our decision to embark on this journey of increased well-being.

New habits and mindfulness practices created with the Happier App can roughly fall into nine “Aims”:

  1. Energy
  2. Productivity
  3. Relationships
  4. Recharging
  5. Order
  6. Purpose
  7. Mindful Consumption
  8. Mindful Investment
  9. Creativity

4. Keep your momentum

A healthy lifestyle is just that—a lifestyle. One-time changes are good, but consistent, habitual adjustments to the way you live your life have a lasting effect. Molekule offers filter subscriptions so you can expect fresh filters delivered to your door when you need them. Don’t worry about missing a day of clean air again. The Happier App helps you track your progress as you hit consistent, measurable goals that set you up to materially change the way you live your life.

Be good to yourself

Remember, it’s all called practice for a reason. Clearing your mind takes time. And clean air can make sure all of your deep breaths are helping you find your center. 

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