by Vanessa Graham

This sale has now ended. Stay tuned to the blog for future sales announcements!

Molekule’s holiday sale can bring cleaner air into the home at a lower price! We’re offering serious holiday discounts on all our air purifiers and up to $520 off bundles.

This holiday season give the gift of clean air. Molekule air purifiers use PECO destroy airborne viruses, bacteria, mold spore, allergens, chemicals and more. Most of us will be spending a little more time indoors this year due to the global Covid-19 pandemic. Molekule Air, Air Mini, Air Mini+, and the new Air Pro can improve air quality for everyone.

A few us have outdoor space that is comfortable enough for a small gathering, but we should all keep in mind that the CDC is recommending we all wear masks when close together. They also say that any visits we attend should be small and short. Everyone should also be sharing their activities and personal exposure risk from traveling to anyone we are sharing space with. Finally, many local governments are offering additional recommendations informed by the infection rates in their area, so check your favorite paper, nightly news, or local website to know what the best course of action is.

When you do spend time indoors with a few loved ones, Molekule air purifiers can help to reduce airborne contaminants like pathogens and particles. Our technology has been rigorously tested by independent labs including on surrogate viruses for Covid-19. However, PECO technology has not been tested on Covid-19 itself and no air purifier can completely reduce the risk of exposure to viruses. Please follow preventative measures suggested by government authorities.



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