by Haldane King

Molekule’s mission is to eliminate indoor air pollution, harnessing the power of science to improve lives. To further our efforts of bringing clean air to everyone, we’re honored to announce a partnership with an organization that shares our passion for clean air: The American Lung Association, long-time champions of research, education and advocacy.

It means a great deal to us to join forces with an organization that is tackling air quality problems. Together, we hope to increase awareness around the need for improved indoor air quality. Air pollution is an issue that affects millions worldwide, and that’s why we’re striving to bring more attention to a problem that isn’t getting better. With this partnership, we’ll be making a $25K donation to the American Lung Association over the course of the next year to aid in indoor air quality education.

Poor air quality in our homes is a common yet invisible problem, and often overlooked and is impacting the air we breathe outdoors. In fact, the EPA reported that indoor air quality can be two to five times worse than outdoor air. With one of the American Lung Association’s key pillars being the desire to improve the air we breathe, we’re excited to partner together to draw awareness to this problem. Together, we’ll be able to reach a broader community of people and further educate them about the impact of poor air quality both indoors and outdoors, and solutions that exist to mitigate it.

According to the American Lung Association, “more than four in 10 Americans, or about 43 percent of the population, live in counties that have monitored unhealthy ozone (often called ‘smog’) and/or particle pollution (often called ‘soot’).” Both of these can have significant implications for health. Now is the time to start thinking about the air around us beyond what we breathe outdoors — whether it be within a classroom, in office buildings, in a hospital, traveling on a plane, or simply in our homes.

We view this partnership as a reflection of our commitment to furthering our mission. By teaming up with the American Lung Association, we’re rooting ourselves in a community that’s much greater than our own. With this partnership, we want our customers to feel confident in how seriously we take this detrimental issue, and that we’re dedicated to enhancing the education around air quality on a national level.

*The American Lung Association does not endorse any product, device or service.

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