by Vanessa Graham

Our hearts ached as we watched the recent California wildfires rage on these past two weeks. As soon as news of the blaze in Butte County broke, we simply couldn’t stand idle, and rushed to find areas that could use our help. Since the Camp Fire first broke out on Thursday, November 8, Molekule has donated over $90,000 in Molekule air purifiers, filters and masks to first responders, evacuation sites and schools, while volunteering over 200 employee hours to rapidly place devices with those in critical need. Molekule was founded on the belief that we all deserve clean air, that this is not just a job, and importantly, that we’re all in this together. As a company, and as individuals, we stand by this no matter the time or place.

Donation locations

Deciding what to do with the quantity of donated units we had took the help and quick thinking of first responders and Chico’s selfless residents. With their input, we were able to move Molekule air purifiers into populated evacuation areas like Chico, Paradise and Butte County where they would have the biggest impact. By placing them in fire stations and police departments, we were able to get clean air to the people with the toughest jobs to carry out. Locally, we helped spread air quality awareness by engaging with people in smoky downtown San Francisco and school children in Potrero Hill.

California map of cities that received Molekule donations

Relief effort

When the wildfires struck last year, Molekule was a small company of fewer than 20 people. This year, with a bigger team building on last year’s experience, we mobilized more trips to the disaster area than ever before.


Molekule relief effort statistics



Despite our small size last year, we somehow found a way to get 50 units out to where they could do the most good. This year, we doubled that contribution. We also sent another team into downtown San Francisco to distribute masks and raise air quality awareness. In just 45 minutes, all 600 masks had been handed out to people on the streets.


Molekule wildfire donation statistics


Rebuilding together

The Camp Fire was one of the most tragic natural disasters in California’s recorded history, and it tested the resolve of the community in unforeseeable ways. Although we learned how to be even more prepared for the next major event, the heroes of Chico, Paradise and Butte County showed the world what it really means to stand up for your community when it calls on you. May they find all the strength, support, and solace they deserve this holiday season.

Please consider giving to local medical supplier Project S.A.V.E. and the American Red Cross this holiday season to help support the communities affected by the Camp Fire.


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