by Haldane King

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Save a ton on Molekule Air purifiers right now with our Buy a Molekule Get a Molekule Mini or Mini+ half off sale! Just enter BAGAM50 at checkout to capitalize on this offer!

PECO is here to destroy air pollutants this winter! When spending more time indoors with family and friends, you can rely on Molekule Air, Air Mini, Air Mini+, and the new Air Pro to improve indoor air quality.

The holidays are going to be different this year for many Americans as a result of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Some of us are fortunate enough to live in climates that will permit outdoor gatherings, and can follow the CDC’s recent recommendations on wearing a mask to protect from infection. For the rest of us, the CDC is saying to keep visits short and most importantly small. They are also letting all of us know that we should talk to any guests before we share space with them to understand their exposure risk from traveling or daily activities. We should also look to our local governments to tell us how risky our individual communities may be.

When indoors, Molekule air purifiers can help to reduce airborne pathogens. PECO technology has been tested in independent laboratories including with regard to certain Covid-19 proxy viruses. However, PECO technology has not been tested on Covid-19 itself and no air purifier can completely reduce the risk of exposure to viruses. Please follow preventative measures suggested by government authorities.

The nanocatalyst on the surface of Molekule filters oxidizes indoor pollutants, including viruses, bacteria, mold, allergens, VOCs, and even ozone. Molekule Air is our original product, designed to clean the air in a room up to 600 square feet in size, such as master bedrooms, living rooms, and family rooms. Molekule Air Mini and Air Mini+ are for smaller spaces up to 250 square feet, like a kid’s bedroom or an office. Air Mini+ features Auto Protect Mode, which will automatically increase the fan speed when pollutants are detected to keep the air clean all day.

This year we’re also happy to be introducing our newest member of the family, Molekule Air Pro! Air Pro is designed for rooms up to 1,000 square feet, making it our biggest consumer unit so far. Like Air Mini+, Air Pro also comes equipped with particle sensing technology that will keep you apprised of indoor air quality. When set to Auto Protect mode, Air Pro will automatically adjust its fan speed to changing particle levels. It comes with two different versions of Auto Protect: standard and quiet. Standard mode is just like Air Mini+’s Auto Protect mode, but Quiet mode will cap the fan speed at a lower level.

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