by Catherine Poslusny

Whether you want to decrease allergens in your home, get rid of a lingering bad odor, or remove unhealthy airborne chemicals, an air purifier can help improve your indoor air quality. However, not all types of air filtration can handle different types of pollutants found in a home. PECO technology, on the other hand, goes beyond traditional filtration methods to trap and destroy not only airborne particles and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), but also many different kinds of organic air pollution.

dust on a finger - air purifier for dust

Does Molekule reduce dust?

Household dust may seem like a minor nuisance, but it can majorly impact the air quality of your home. Made up of particulate matter, such as dead skin cells, dirt, and pollen, dust is teeming with tiny pests called dust mites. These microscopic creatures are one of the most common triggers of year-round allergy and asthma symptoms. Even if you are not sensitive to dust mites, there are still plenty of reasons why you would want to remove dust from your home.

Dust is made up of particles that are 2.5 microns in size or smaller. Particulate matter of this size is dangerous because it is small enough to make it deep into the lungs and even the bloodstream. This type of particle pollution is called PM2.5, and exposure to it has been linked to increased risk of respiratory disease, worsening of respiratory disease symptoms and cardiovascular problems.

The PECO technology inside Molekule air purifiers uses high-efficiency filters and a proprietary nanocatalyst to get rid of dust particles by capturing them and breaking them down into harmless water vapor and carbon dioxide. Air Pro and Air Mini have been independently tested and found to remove airborne PM2.5 and destroy its organic components.

Fingers holding a smoking cigarette

Does Molekule remove smoke?

Smoke is a common household pollutant that can come from a variety of different sources, such as wildfires, cigarettes and cannabis. No matter where the smoke comes from, removing it from your home should be a top priority. Cannabis, tobacco and wildfire smoke can all negatively impact the air quality in your home. They may also cause health effects that include coughing, wheezing, burning eyes, runny nose and shortness of breath.

If you are looking for an air purifier to take care of weed or tobacco smoke (or any other kind of smoke), you will need to find one that can handle the complex mixture of pollutants that they contain.

Smoke is a unique type of pollution because it is made up of particulate matter and gaseous chemicals, such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. PECO technology can trap the large particles and destroy toxic VOCs found in smoke. This means that Molekule air purifiers are equipped to take care of smoke, including wildfire smoke, cannabis smoke and tobacco smoke.

Blue and red clothes and tinted bottle labeled 'Formaldehyde'

Does Molekule destroy formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical that is colorless and has a strong odor. It is often used in manufacturing household products, such as pressed-wood furniture, fabrics, insulation and adhesives. During the manufacturing process, formaldehyde starts as a liquid, but it evaporates quickly at room temperature. This evaporation contributes to the “brand new” smell that we associate with new furniture, carpeting and other products.

Short-term exposure to low levels of formaldehyde can irritate the eyes, nose and throat. Longer exposure and exposure to higher concentrations of this chemical can lead to skin rashes, wheezing, shortness of breath and other respiratory effects. Formaldehyde is also a known human carcinogen.

Molekule air purifiers can handle formaldehyde because of the light-activated nanocatalyst that coats all PECO-Filters. The catalyst creates hydroxyl radicals that react with formaldehyde molecules. This reaction allows Molekule to clean formaldehyde from the air and break it down into carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Personal cleaning a countertop with spray bottle and cloth

Does Molekule remove VOCs?

Formaldehyde is just one of the chemicals that make up a large group of gaseous pollutants called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This group contains a wide range of toxic chemicals, including acetone, benzene, chloroform, styrene and toluene. Many of these substances are used during manufacturing, and they can be off-gassed, or emitted, from many types of products, such as:

  • Household cleaners and disinfectants;
  • Furniture;
  • Dry cleaning chemicals;
  • Paints, solvents and varnishes;
  • Craft supplies;
  • Pesticides;
  • Air fresheners;
  • Aerosol sprays.

Short-term exposure to VOCs has been linked to allergy-like effects, including headaches, skin reactions, difficulty breathing, dizziness and eye, nose and throat irritation. Chronic exposure may lead to an increased risk of cancer and liver, kidney and central nervous system damage.

The PECO technology found in Molekule air purifiers has been independently tested to verify its ability to remove harmful VOCs from the air. Intertek, a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory, confirmed that both the Air Pro and Air Mini effectively and efficiently remove formaldehyde, toluene, and limonene from the air (these specific VOCs were tested because they represent common indoor air contaminants).

Close-up of mold spores

Does Molekule get rid of mold spores?

Mold is a type of fungus that spreads by releasing tiny spores that float in the air. It can be found almost everywhere, but it grows fastest in warm, humid environments. Airborne mold spores are extremely common, and they do not always cause harmful health effects.

If you are sensitive to mold or have a mold allergy, mold exposure may cause nasal stuffiness, coughing, wheezing and irritation to the eyes, throat or skin. There are many different types of mold, such as aspergillus and penicillium, and symptoms of exposure may vary depending on which type of mold with which you come into contact.

Mold is a living example of airborne particulate matter. Unlike other types of particle pollution, such as dust or pollen, it is able to grow and spread even after it is caught in an air filter. Molekule air purifiers prevent this growth by destroying mold spores that come into contact with the PECO-Filter.

In independent laboratory tests, PECO was found to effectively remove 99.9% of airborne mold spores within two hours of operation, leaving only a barely detectable amount on the filters. Molekule’s ability to capture and kill mold spores in the air is part of the reason why it has received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a Class II medical device.

3-D diagram of molecular structure of ozone

Does Molekule remove ozone?

Ozone is a molecule that is made up of three oxygen atoms. While ozone in the stratosphere is beneficial because it forms a protective layer around the Earth, ground-level ozone is a harmful pollutant. It is one of the main ingredients in smog, and it is created by chemical reactions between VOCs and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). Exposure to ground-level ozone may cause:

  • Coughing;
  • Soreness or irritation in the throat;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Pain when breathing;
  • Inflammation of the airways;
  • Increased risk of lung infection;
  • More frequent asthma attacks;
  • Aggravated symptoms of asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and other lung diseases.

Long-term exposure to ozone may be linked to the development of asthma and an increased risk of death from respiratory causes.

Because Molekule’s PECO technology targets both particle pollution and harmful gases, it can effectively handle ozone. Independent laboratory testing has confirmed that PECO captures and destroys ozone found in indoor air. During this testing, researchers also verified that Molekule products do not generate ozone.

Person spraying odor remover in room

Does Molekule reduce odors?

Typically, people are only aware of the smells in their home when there is a new odor – either welcome or unwelcome — in the air. While many smells are harmless, others may cause symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to severe respiratory irritation and difficulty breathing. The potential health effects of an odor depend on its source.

For example, smells from chemical gases, such as VOCs, may cause health problems (see VOC section above). Additionally, high concentrations of VOCs may start to condense into airborne droplets, a type of particulate matter. Inhaling particulate matter comes with its own set of health concerns.

Odors can also come from microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs). These carbon-based molecules can create a very distinct smell, even in small quantities. Caused by bacterial and fungal growth, MVOCs are a common cause of stale, musty air. They are typically present in rooms with consistent moisture (such as showers and toilets) and without proper ventilation.

Molekule’s PECO technology can help you tackle bad smells in your home. Whether an odor is caused by gases (such as VOCs) or airborne particles (such as pet dander), PECO can handle it. By destroying pollutants at the molecular level, PECO helps remove pet odors, musty air, and other smells that keep your home from feeling fresh and clean.

Whatever your reason for looking for an air purifier, Molekule is here to help. PECO technology equips Molekule air purifiers to effectively remove a wide range of pollutants from the air, so you are not left to wonder whether your air purifier can handle the different types of pollution in your home. Check out our blog for more information on how to clean your air and keep an eye on our FacebookInstagram, and Twitter accounts for more facts about the air and what Molekule is doing to help.

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