by Haldane King

All of the devices in the Molekule family of air purifiers come equipped with PECO technology. Each one is designed to serve a different sized room and comes with slightly different features.

Molekule Air Mini air purifier on white background

Molekule Air Mini is designed for spaces about 250 square feet in size. Smaller bedrooms and offices might be this size, which is about 16 feet on a side.

Buy Refurbished Molekule Air Mini Purifiers now


Molekule Air Mini+ air purifier on white background

Molekule Air Mini+ with its vegan leather handle is an upgrade from the Air Mini. It adds two features:

  • Sensor that detects particles down to 0.5 microns
  • Auto Protect mode
Top-down view of four Molekule air purifiers showing colored indicator lights and four screenshots of the Molekule air purifier mobile app

The sensor reports air quality as one of four color-coded levels. Just a tap on the top of the device or a peek at the Molekule app will reveal how much particle pollution is impacting your indoor air quality. When set to auto protect mode, Mini+ will automatically adjust the speed of the fan if it detects particle levels rising, helping to keep indoor air quality at a good level.

Buy Molekule Air Mini+ Purifiers now


Molekule Air on white background

Molekule Air is designed to clean the air in rooms that are about 600 square feet. This is about the size of a living room or a primary bedroom. A 600 square foot space would be about 25 feet by 25 feet if it was square.

Buy Refurbished Molekule Air Purifiers now


Molekule Air Pro air purifier on white background

Molekule Air Pro is the largest of all Molekule devices and is rated to handle spaces up to 1,000 square feet (roughly 32 feet by 32 feet). It’s good for spaces with large open floor plans and living rooms. Like the Air Mini+ above it comes with extra features:

  • Particle sensor that detects 3 types of particles: smoke (particles less than 1 micron), dust (particles less than 2.5 microns), and pollen (particles less than 10 microns)
  • Auto protect mode with two settings: standard and quiet

Top-down view of Molekule air purifier display screen showing fan modes and particle levels

Air Pro has an upgraded particle sensor from Mini+ that can tell you to what degree particle pollution is impacting your air quality. This sensor will detect three different sizes of particles simultaneously. Air Pro has two versions of auto protect mode: standard and quiet. The standard mode ramps up the fan if it detects a rise in any of the three particle levels. The quiet mode will do the same, but caps the fan speed at about 30% of the maximum. It is controllable from the app, just like the rest of the family.

Screenshots of Molekule mobile app showing particle levels and air purifier fan speed settings
Buy Molekule Air Pro now


The best Molekule air purifier for you depends on the size of your space. If you can, get a tape measure and find out the square footage of the room in which you want clean indoor air by measuring the length and depth of the space and multiplying them together.

Diagram of cube labeled with depth and width

Square footage is the most influential factor in your choice of air purifier, but consider the other features of each unit to be sure you are getting one that works best for you.

Comparison chart showing specifications for Molekule Air Mini, Molekule Air Mini+, Molekule Air, and Molekule Air Pro

If you have any more questions on which Molekule air purifier to choose, please reach out to our customer service team at here or at 1-855-999-9069.

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