Your airborne allergy symptoms can ebb and flow over the course of the day. Molekule purifiers destroy mold you can’t see.
Your airborne allergy symptoms can ebb and flow over the course of the day. Molekule purifiers destroy mold you can’t see.
When your body reacts to common allergens, it’s doing so as an immune response to something it perceives as a threat. For many people, indoor allergies are felt more acutely at night when the body’s immune response sees a dip in allergy-regulating hormones. One way to help offset these effects is to use an air purifier for allergies that destroys allergens like pollen and ragweed, placed in your “sleep breathing zone.”
When your body reacts to common allergens, it’s doing so as an immune response to something it perceives as a threat. For many people, indoor allergies are felt more acutely at night when the body’s immune response sees a dip in allergy-regulating hormones. One way to help offset these effects is to use an air purifier for allergies that destroys allergens like pollen and ragweed, placed in your “sleep breathing zone.”
Where you live could be making your allergies worse.
Where you live could be making your allergies worse.
You can’t always help where you live, but you can limit your exposure to devious environmental allergens like pollen. Whether you experience year-round allergies or feel allergies in the summer and spring, optimizing your indoor air quality can help mitigate discomfort or inflammation.
10 worst places to live with seasonal pollen allergies this year →
You can’t always help where you live, but you can limit your exposure to devious environmental allergens like pollen. Whether you experience year-round allergies or feel allergies in the summer and spring, optimizing your indoor air quality can help mitigate discomfort or inflammation.
10 worst places to live with seasonal pollen allergies this year →

Protect your indoor air with PECO’s powerful destruction abilities.
Protect your indoor air with PECO’s powerful destruction abilities.
Dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold, and VOCs. Those are just a few of the many allergens today hiding in your home. Molekule air purifiers destroy seasonal allergens like pollen and ragweed, and ever-present ones like dust mites, VOCs, and pet dander so you can create an indoor clean air sanctuary at home.
Dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold, and VOCs. Those are just a few of the many allergens today hiding in your home. Molekule air purifiers destroy seasonal allergens like pollen and ragweed, and ever-present ones like dust mites, VOCs, and pet dander so you can create an indoor clean air sanctuary at home.